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With Trump, Gingrich and GOP calling the shots, NASA may go back to the moon

July 20, 1969 - Astronaut Edwin E. Aldrin Jr. walking on the surface of the moon near the leg of the Lunar Module.

NASA has struggled for decades with strategic uncertainty, and there's nothing like a partisan transition in the White House to discombobulate everyone. There will surely be a new administrator, and new ambitions, and disfavored programs, with associated budget cuts (Earth Science is a likely target).

Right this minute, though, no one seems to know what's going to happen with America's civilian space agency. The chaotic Trump transition operation has yet to send a delegation to NASA headquarters. NASA's in-house transition team is standing by, and you can imagine that people are getting a bit jittery. There are deadlines to meet. Everything's in a holding pattern. In the spirit of promiscuous speculation, we will float this notion: The moon is back!

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